RSA Online Encryption/Decryption

Private Key:

Public Key:

Original text:

Cipher text:

What is RSA Online Encryption/Decryption ?

  1. RSA is a public key cryptographic algorithm, and its name is composed of the initials of the last names of three developers, namely Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman.
  2. In asymmetric encryption algorithms, there are two keys: public key and private key. They are a pair. If the public key is used to encrypt, only the corresponding private key can be used to decrypt; if the private key is used to encrypt, only the corresponding public key can be used to decrypt.
  3. The process of exchanging confidential information by asymmetric encryption algorithms is as follows: Party A generates a pair of keys and discloses one of them as a public key to other parties; Party B, who obtains the public key, uses the key to encrypt confidential information and sends it to Party A; Party A then uses its own private key to decrypt the encrypted information.